KLMAG1JENB in read mode
Hello everybody,
I recently received my black programmer with some accessories, so far I am learning how to use it, it seems like a great tool, I have already been able to do some repairs and it is great.
I have several modules of the 40-MT58DU-MAB4HG chassis with the emmc (KLMAG1JENB B041) in reading mode, totally dead, and I cannot read it or retrieve information from it, my question is how you do it.
I have applied cold and also heat without any success. Is there a script or something to be able to rescue the required information when these memories have reached that state?
Thanks for your contributions
В таких случаях нет доступных способов извлечь информацию.
ЛС не работают.
Okay I figured I will have to switch to a new cpu.
Hi.If UFPI not read this emmc - ic is faulty , tested on other programers - Z3X and UFI .You need new one . When ic is good UFPI reading via isp  this emmc in MT58 correctly .
It is correct, the ic is faulty. I have also tried to read it with easyjtag, tnm5000 giving cold, also hot, lowering the frequency without success. The downside is knowing how to rescue keys if I can't read the partitions.
With hard copy external dump tv works good , except Netflix , YT , hdmi works .

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