UFPI which to buy?
i would like to buy some of the UFPI programmers but i don't know which version ?
I see it has silver, red and black.
As novice, i would buy strictly for reading and programming EMMC (bga) chips from smart TV motherboards.  As far as I understand the job can usually end with ISP (JTAG) communication without special sockets.

Also, does i get technical support and access to dumps if i buy? and where i can check chip support list?

Thanks in advance.
Read some info about versions  here.
It is not always possible to work in ISP mode, so sockets will be useful.
All questions you have you can ask here, our community will try to help you.
Nobody have access to  FULL UPLOAD, so if you need something from there, just
ask dump owner or moderator.
Before asking please write in detail about your problem and why you decided that dump can help.
You can also add your files to UPLOAD after checking the table of available dumps before doing so.
If there are 2-3 copies of same chassis, moderator will not accept your file.
Thanks for info.
For start, i would need to repair smart LG motherboards (stucked logo), LB650 / LB700 and similar series with EMMC chips H26M31003GMR and others.
(16-05-2021, 19:07)mladen82 Wrote: Thanks for info.
For start, i would need to repair smart LG motherboards (stucked logo), LB650 / LB700 and similar series with EMMC chips H26M31003GMR and others.
Easy money. 3-4 repairs = programmer+socket price.
So, i can buy silver UFPI + socket https://mslw.com/product/easy-jtag-emmc-8bit-socket/  and jtag activation https://mslw.com/product/jtag-module-activation/ , if i right?
It is enough for ISP. But sometimes if programmer cant detect chip, need to desolder it and write dump into new one.
So emmc socket (RT809 or ICfriend) give preferences in speed and comfort.
Yes, I understand, if the chip is not correct.
But most of the time, the chip is correct, only the software is corrupted, if i understand correctly ?
mladen82 If you work with emms, then https://mslw.com/product/jtag-module-activation/ you do not need it, it is already included in the price of the programmer.
(16-05-2021, 20:36)mladen82 Wrote: Yes, I understand, if the chip is not correct.
But most of the time, the chip is correct, only the software is corrupted, if i understand correctly ?
Yes, correct. And seem like Vadim says you need not buy activation.
Ok, thanks all. Will buy probably silver box.
in fact maybe it's better to buy red because I see it supports 8-bit mode, which would mean it's faster?
Just one question more, where to buy
here https://www.ufpi.pro/en/ ?

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