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UFPI hardware

New UFPI sockets available for sale! Added SD/eMMC 4-bit socket and PCB. Added new NAND TSOP48 sockets with long and short ANDK ZIF sockets. Added universal TSOP48 Pinboard socket and PCB.

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UFPI and site updates

UPFI software v1.0.1 with new box firmware has been released. Important! DO NOT USE old UFPI software (versions 1.0.0) after box firmware autoupdates with newer versions! Details about UFPI scripting language and API will be added soon. Added new UFPI universal sockets, updated schematics, modes and pinouts. Added shop with online payments.

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First UFPI Boxes

Finally, the first UFPI Boxes and the hardware are ready for sale! Uploaded hardware photos, software screenshots, updated modules descriptions and prices. At this moment order can be placed only via “Order form”, online payment services will be added later. If you want to become a reseller or have any questions or suggestions, please email to support at or use the contact form.